"Istituto Leonardo da Vinci"

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What are the main focuses of the project?

This area provides spaces for education related businesses, such as courses offered to learn software, languages or the acquisition of other specific knowledge - incorporating Bulgarian traditions to invest in one's education.

These areas are allocated to enable the visitors to spend more time together in the facility in addition to the provided services. Such opportunities emerge in lounges, cafés or in the rooftop restaurant. The purpose of these areas is to interconnect the people and to promote the concept of the house.

The very specific object of the services in the building demands the supply with specific products and services. Bringing them close to where they are needed complements the offered services.

Although, like all other offers in the house, the operation of the concert hall is planned to be independent, it remains the main attraction for people to visit the building and to discover it’s opportunities. Finally this is the main tool of suggested cultural foundation and provides, as a side effect, an exceptionally strong communication of the project.